"There is an ever-present persistence that hangs on my shoulder like a guardian angle whispering: Go, go, do that! Look over here. Yes, yes, go do that, too!"
Megan Morton garnered international attention and accolades when she established The School in Sydney. Her ex-marketing roles merged with her styling career to create the tipping point for sharing her experience. Megan writes books, consults on atmospheres and can deliver an a-grade flat lay. From a family of teachers, now one herself, she teaches transferable styling and making-based skills. The School lives to join social, physical and art dots into a global community of makers and changemakers.
I try not to follow a path. A creative industry can't really copy or replicate success. Styling is more about reduction than addition. Making sense of the complicated. I love the work we do for Cult/Australian designer Adam Goodrum for this reason.
No matter how big your empire, or how clever your staff you yourself only ever have 2 hands. Also, handmade butter is the best.
The spareness of my work studio makes me seriously happy. It's daily evidence of a blank canvas and the daily grind that is commercial styling. Ultimately, my soul place is where my family is. I'm never more grounded or happy. My alter ego holiday destination lust list for 2016 is Jamaica and Ireland for 2017.
India. I have no words for its transformative qualities. None. This is a shot from a trip I took with my family over Christmas in Bundi. A very brown, mostly Brahmin town.
I'm working on my new styling class that includes a practical styling muscle-improving session!
PARIS! I'm taking a group there in September. I literally can't sleep at night. 5 days of non-stop beauty chasing. Then, maybe...a trip to decompress in rural Northern Territory (and kneel at the alter of Ayers Rock), then fly to Palermo for some of the other-side-of-the-word good life, vintage clothes shopping the puces in Paris with my friend Clara (who wears a fur chubby like no other) then a weekend at vintage flea markets in Toyko, onegaishimasu!
All images used with permission of Megan Morton.
Looking as a teen at HERO magazine. Literally getting to a 3rd dimension through those amazing pages. Same then happened with Colours magazine. And every other magazine since then ... I am currently reading Cabana magazine with the same feelings.